Signup and Usage
The free membership plan doesn’t require any signup fees. You can use it to avail many service offerings without paying a lot of money.
The registration process is a little time consuming. You signup via a very simple form. After this, you get an email assigning you a temporary password to login and complete the registration. Once you’ve submitted your shipping, billing and payment information, you receive an email to verify your account. The verification is a bit tedious and requires you to submit your identity and payment information by proving you are indeed the card holder and are truly who you say you are. OPAS claims to delete all information once their staff has verified it.
OPAS account verification can take up to three business days. In our experience, the verification took only a day before we were assigned a suite ID/mailbox ID and full warehouse address to send our online shopping to.
Once you’ve received your OPAS shipping address, you can login and checkout their online shipping application. Here, there is a chance to fill in an account profile. What is this now? This is a detailed profile, comprising of shopping interests, personal information and habits, as well as business information. This takes additional 5 mins or so and is completely optional. Once this is filled, OPAS rewards you with a $10 coupon that you can apply to your first shipment.
Here, you can also change membership plan, request an alternate address (used for retailers that cancel orders to package forwarding addresses), set your language and email preferences.
Using OPAS is fairly easy and hassle free. They provide a phone number to go along with the address, making it easier to ship items to your new address. You can register incoming packages or import orders via a csv file. Even if you don’t; packages addressed to your name and suite no. are automatically registered into your account. Once all packages are delivered, simply fill in customs information (item description, quantity and price) and request any additional processing such as taking photos and discarding items and get your packages ready for shipment. All additional processing takes place at the shipment stage.
On the shipment page, you can select the shipping address, shipping method / carrier available to you, choose insurance, ask for package inspection and request express service. Here one can also specify special instructions for the OPAS warehouse staff to carry out when repackaging and consolidating your shipment. For instance, we asked to remove invoices and to pack paper items flat. When OPAS completed the request, we received an email with their feedback along with steps they took to rectify any problem. We appreciated this very much as it shows the level of care taken by them for your items.
Once the shipment is ready, you can choose from a list of shipping partners & carriers available for their destination and pay for it.